Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thank you Michael Moore

While there were times I disagreed with Mr. Moore on his politics, I found myself agreeing more and more (no pun intended) on his views as his documentaries presented themselves. His latest "Capitalism, A Love Story" was one on which I had divergent opinions. On the one hand, capitalism is good and supports what we, as Americans, have come to see as the freedom of opportunity to succeed with a strong work ethic and dedication to living up to our highest potential. However, the rise of capitalism, by its very nature, breed greed and such a lust for profit that has become so distorted from its original intent as to border on the criminal. I actually feel as if there is so little conscience left in American business that stepping all over people to get what you want is something that is, or should be, taught in every business class. The thirst for profit at any cost has relegated human life to nothing more than a statistic. Those in any position of power seem to think they have the ability to control every aspect of our lives and dictate what we can and should accept as important to our existence. Of course, this can only happen because we act as sheep and blindly follow what we are told to follow through advertising, television shows, music, etc. We have become a nation of followers and more significantly, worshipers of the "gods" we see on television. The athletes, reality stars, real housewives, etc have become those we wish to be and the more we accept them, the more we become true Americans. God forbid we want to become scientists, teachers or humanitarians. Worse, even our elected officials do nothing more than try to become lifelong politicians with no accountability. We need some sanity and some review of our priorities and it needs to happen soon. If not, we will end up in a situation where the only people with valid opinions will be those that have money and can control a media designed to control our behavior. Sadly, it has already begun but so many of us are too busy buying into their propaganda to realize it.

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