Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Great Easter Earthquake of 2010

For those who may not have heard, we have had a pretty large earthquake here in Southern California. In El Centro we felt the brunt of the quake at 7.2. For Meredith and Aidan, it was pretty scary and as a result, we have resorted to sleeping downstairs in case it happens again. No serious damage was noticed although many things did fall off shelves, desks, etc. It was even hard to stand and walk through the halls and down the stairs while it was going on. Since it was Easter we did have an Easter dinner (we ate prior to the quake) and my Green Bean casserole fell from the counter and shattered on the floor, causing me a great deal of distress. We were without power for about 4 hours but nothing more severe has happened. I suppose the biggest problem is the constant after-shocks that never seem to end. Even as I type this, we are feeling them. While they are relatively minor in comparison, you never know if it will be another big one or not. I, personally, find this very interesting and am intrigued by the whole process but Meredith, understandably, is more worried than anything; afraid that the "big one" is going to hit and we are all doomed.

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