Saturday, May 29, 2010

Stop the oil!

Ok, this may seem like a radical and almost suicidal plan but I am recruiting people to boycott the use of oil products as it relates to our driving habits. I think it is about time that we, as a civilized society, understand the part we play in this ongoing tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico. Sure, we can blame BP and hold them accountable, as we should do, but it is a result of our needs that caused this problem. If we were not so dependent on the production of oil and its economic impact on our society, they would never have been drilling the Gulf in the first place. There comes a point where humanity realizes that a problem exists and that changes need to be made. Unfortunately, when it comes to oil and its production--particularly as it relates to economic development--we are subservient to its almighty power. STOP!! Sure, I feel that oil is a natural phenomenon that nature created without any help from us. Is it right, however, that people and countries profit and control our fate on the death of prehistoric plant and animal life? Let's face reality folks. Oil is a byproduct resulting from the death of life. Is it not ironic that this demise of life can result in the death of present life as we know it? Can we look at the marshlands and its animal residents on the coast of Louisiana and be happy with our need for oil? I, for one, am embarrassed by the fact that I rely on the same oil from which the Gulf is being destroyed. Stop kidding yourself into thinking that this does not affect your life. The fact is that the death and destruction of natural habitats and livelihoods is based solely on our need for oil and related products. We are ALL guilty for the destruction of life on the Gulf coast!! The more we accept it, the more likely we are to change it. Join me in the boycott of oil and gas products. Ride a bike!!! Walk instead of drive!!! Anything you can do outside of your car will send a message. Do not let these companies dictate how we live and how we should accept their failings. Stand up for what is right!!!

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