Monday, May 17, 2010

Oil and the decline of decency

Ok, this has been a topic that has been a continuous thorn in so many sides that to do it justice in this tiny blog is inadequate to say the least. Nevertheless, I feel it is important for me to comment on the issue of the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. As a diver and one who relishes in the preservation of undersea life, I am completely in awe at the lack of concern from the general public, news media, and yes, our government about the impact of a true and incomprehensible disaster. We cannot even call this a natural disaster because in reality, it is a disaster that does not owe itself to Mother nature or anything even remotely related to the effects of natural disaster. This is an abomination and destruction of an environment that is a result of nothing more than profit, greed and our complete dependence on a substance that is, and continues to be, the ultimate source of existence in today's reality. Of course, I am speaking of oil and the businesses associated with the propagation of this substance and its detrimental effect on our environment. As a marine conservationist, I am appalled with the lack of motivation on behalf of not only BP and its subsidiaries but our own Federal government in its lack of concern for a potentially global disaster unlike anything we have ever known. The loss of life and the environmental impact on life in the Gulf has yet to be evaluated and for that we should all be ashamed. Great! BP is willing to spend less than 1% of its quarterly earnings (which exceed 4 billion dollars) on trying to clean up the mess they have caused. We should also be grateful that BP and our government are trying all necessary means to "plug" the hole that was caused by NEGLIGENCE and irresponsible practices. Are you freaking serious??? Is it possible that in the 21st Century we are supposed to believe that shooting "junk" such as tires, rocks, and other debris into the ocean floor an answer to an environmental disaster? Are you (BP and the Government) really such mental midgets (I am sorry if I offend anyone but I cannot think of anything other than that description)? What we need is someone, anyone, with a set of BALLS that can punish BP, and every other driller of oil to the point that we will no longer tolerate the destruction of the earth to satisfy the demand and reliance on oil to survive. This is a wake-up call to all of us. We MUST stop organizations such as OPEC, other oil producing nations and businesses by letting them know that the future of our planet can no longer be left in their hands. Further, we can no longer allow ourselves to become so indebted on businesses and nations that we sacrifice what it means to be human. If this does not make people finally stand up to these oil companies and nations, fight for alternative energies and end the reign of corruption and power, then we will continually be relegated to nothing more than pawns in their conquests of domination. Of course, these are just my opinions and as usual, your comments are appreciated.

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